Will It Make Sense?

It is said often that in time things that have happened in our lives will all make sense. But, is that truly the case? What happens if that does not occur? What if certain things are never fully clear? The uncertainties of life are peculiar, as we go day to day trying to survive and make it while doing our best to balance our grind with our leisure. But, is that even the fact for all?

What about the person who seems to never be able to catch a break because one battle after another arises? What about the person who no matter how hard they work, toil, and labor another emergency pops up and they fall behind even more? What about the child who regardless of how kind and compassionate they are dread going to school because they know that the cyber bullying has spilled over into the physical, in-person space? What about the husband or wife whose social media pictures show smiles and hope, but a private battle with their child has caused never ending stress and strife? What about the man who is taught by society to be strong yet he is still grieved and full of turmoil from sexual abuse trauma he experienced as a child? What about the single mom who has to decide between paying for food or paying for rent?

What about the nearly 70 year old who, while they look amazing for their age, has faced the silent reality of arthritic pains worsening regardless of how active they remain? What about the single person who waited so long for the right husband or wife and then less than five years into their marriage tragedy strikes and they are pushed into the world of widowhood or divorce? What about the healthy, physically fit young adult who has prepared for a vibrant life ahead of them but is diagnosed abruptly with advanced stage terminal cancer?

What about the person who remained loyal to those in their circle only for one or more of those people to betray them or walk away without explanation? What about the elderly man on a fixed income who has a $350 monthly medication he must get but now only has $277 to get him through the rest of the month? What about the one who has forgiven their significant other, a relative, or another loved one for causing tremendous hurt, but then they discover that the same person they forgave has harbored hidden resentment and a grudge that is nowhere near the level of the initial pain they caused?

Does it make sense? Will it make sense? But…

What do we do with that which defies our logic? How do we make sense of it? But then the question becomes, are we to make sense of it or do we simply live the best way we can despite not having all the answers? How do we make the best of each day even on the days when it doesn’t seem our best is good enough? Sometimes I ask myself how do I exhibit kindness to those who are unkind to me? My friend Celeste reminded me not too long ago, “LeeLee, love is kind. No matter how people are to you, be kind.” This kindness is not naïveté, but rather it is the heart of universal goodness and doing what’s right.

But when you try your best to do what’s right, there comes a point when you have thoughts that it is much easier not to do so. Have you felt this way before? Maybe not with the same situation, but have you pondered any of the questions shared? How do we keep going day to day in a world where people are becoming even more self-centered, narcissistic, and arrogant?

So, do you want the answer? Seriously? Do you really want to know how? Well, here it is…

I don’t have it.

That’s right. I don’t have the answer that will make everything right with one snap of the finger. I don’t, nor do I wish I had the answer. But, what I do know is that I can do my part - and you can, too - to live the best life possible through not only my actions towards others but how I choose to think about myself and the thoughts which resonate daily. The thoughts you carry send a vibration out into the physical world which then transforms everything around you. It doesn’t mean that life will be easy, but you most certainly will have the tools to navigate it more effectively.

Choose to think about your thinking. Choose to express gratitude to God for each new day, for that new day is the chance to attain another wisdom nugget which leads to further self-awareness and enlightenment. Shifting is uncomfortable but necessary. The more you control your thinking, the more your spiritual eyes are opened.

Choose to trust in that which you cannot see; the more you are deliberate in tapping into the power God has given you from within, then you are able to make helpful and healthy decisions and not hurtful and harmful decisions. The decisions we make are determined by the mindset we have. While everything does not and will not fully make sense, we still have a choice to rise above our current state of affairs to another level and realm. The choice is yours.

Does it make sense? Will it make sense?


The “In-Between”


Road to 40 Lesson 5: Quitting is Easy